Project Overview


Content Creation

Produce unique, high-quality content addressing searcher inquiries with a distinctive perspective.

Google Visibility

Set Up Google Analytics and Search Console for visibility and effective website traffic tracking.

Rank In Google

Investigated methods of ranking such as internal and external link-building and SEO optimizations.

Course Of Action

Explore my project processes through videos.

Content Creation

Watch my keyword research and content creation with Ahrefs, Google, and SurferIo.

Google Visibility

View how I set up Google Search Console & Analytics.

Rank In Google

See what I do to give my posts the best chance to rank on Google.


During this 4-month project, I accomplished the following:

  • 71 Impressions
  • 9 Clicks
  • 12.7% CTR
  • Launched Website
  • 1 Top 15 Ranked Post
  • 12 Pieces of Engaging Content


Upon establishing this travel blog, my objective was to attract readers and promote a brand without significant upfront costs. I achieved this by crafting content and adhering to SEO best practices to rank on Google. Utilizing tools like Ahrefs, I identified effective long and short-tail keywords to guide my blog content. 3-months and 12 posts later, I received 71 impressions and 9 clicks on my website.

Moving forward, my goal is to advance my digital marketing expertise by refining SEO processes including market research, writing style, and enhancing marketing analytics capabilities.

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